"Happy marriages begin when we marry the ones we love, and they blossom when we love the ones we marry." Tom Mullen.
Have you ever tried defining the relationship between love and marriage? If yes, then you would have realized that both are synonymous to each other. Love is a dream and marriage is just an extension of this dream to reality. When both dream and reality comes together, it is the best thing that can happen to a person. Love is the subtle emotional wave within us, which is perennial in this world of death and passing away. The feeling of love is inexplicable - we start feeling good about things, which we earlier overlooked. The company of the person we love can make the most mundane chores seem like an exciting job. So, love can be best defined, as a feeling of bliss and ecstasy.

There are some Point which we can observe that there is possibility of love marriage or not.There is lots of dependencies by which we can give the prediction about love marriage.
1. Mount of Venus should be fine, it should be very fine.
2. There should be squre on the mount of Venus.
3. Marriage line should end at the sun mount.
4. If influence line come from moon mount.
5. There should be space at the begining point of life line and head line.
6. There should be cross on the mount of Jupiter.

Some time there is not a love line on the hand of person, and their mount of Venus is much developed, by which , by the influence of this much developed mount of Venus, person in the state of excited state of mind get married the girl to whom he have been in relationship but there have been no love line and they got married and after that a problem come in their conjugal life because there was not a love line but in the state of excitement they got married, so this love marriage does not become success full.
It is said that marriages are made in heaven and celebrated on earth. The popular belief is true to many extent, because it is a special bond shared between two souls, who tie the wedding knot after promising to be companions for a lifetime. It is the physical, mental and spiritual unison of two souls. It brings significant stability and substance to human relationships, which is otherwise incomplete. It plays a crucial role in transferring the culture and civilization from one generation to the other, so that the human race is prospered. The institution of marriage is beneficial to the society as a whole, because it is the foundation of the family, which in turn is the fundamental building block of the society.When two people become one flesh by way of marriage, it is not only their hearts that are united, but their minds and souls as well."Love is often the fruit of marriage."Marriage, ultimately, is the practice of becoming passionate friends.Two souls with but a single thought,Two hearts that beat as one."


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प्राणों से जीवन भर की । From DevPoetry
# Marriage lines in palmistry are actually known as the lines of union. They indicate the potential for an important relationship in a persons life, and the age at which it will occur. It is not necessary that the line may lead to marriage, but it can be said that a relationship will make a profound impression on the person at that time.
# The lines of union are located on the side of the palm and are always above the beginning of the heart line, moving on to the mount of mercury.
# In marriage lines, palmistry, the length of the line, determines the length of the relationship. Also these union lines mainly point to a relationship which may or may not be physical.
# Any forks, splits or markings on the marriage lines should also be considered. The ideal marriage lines in palmistry are long, straight and free of breaks. The deeper the line, the stronger the union.
# Marriage is indicated by the little line that are located just below the base of the little finger. Several light lines in this area will indicate romances. The lines that are strong and clear in this area will indicate marriage. The closer the lines are to the base of the little finger, the later in life these marriages will be.
# Marriage line is balanced by marks on the other portion of the palm. A wealthy union is shown by a strong, well marked line from the side of the line of fate next Moon, running up and joining the line of fate.
# When line of marriage sends an offshoot on to the mount of Sun & into the line of Sun it indicates the person will marry someone of distinction, & famous.
# A straight marriage line is a good indicator of an enduring romance or solid marriage relationship.
# While a light, long marriage line indicates romance, a deep line points towards marriage. If the marriage line lies quite near the heart line, it suggests an early marriage between the ages of 14 to 20. If the marriage line runs close to the mount, it indicates marriage between the ages of 21 to 28. If the marriage line runs close to the ring finger, it indicates a late marriage between the ages of 28 to 35.
# A line with a fork at the start, toward the back of the hand, indicates a long engagement.
# The overlapping of lines in this manner indicates an affair, or affairs, while one is married.
# Other small marks on the marriage line represent illicit affairs.
# The type of marriage lines will reveal the types of marriages. If there is only one line, long, and unbroken this marriage line that reveals that the individual will have one marriage, monogamous, no children.
# The light lines in this area mean romances. The strong lines in this area mean marriage. The lower the marriage lines are, the later these marriages will be.