Arvind’s marriage will be Arrange.
There is opportunity to go abroad for Arvind.
In future he will be more famous and more powerful.
His Venus is week; he should care of his health.
He will have sufficient money in his pocket after 50 Years of his age
He will be suffered from stomach and hair problem.
He is the person of will power.
Due to sun problem he is not able to achieve his goal.
After marriage his fortune will bright, his wife would be lucky for him.
If any accident will take place in his life, he will always remain safe.
(He narrated his story: It was a afternoon of 2001 summers in Delhi I was going to meet my friend in auto, a truck was coming in opposite lane of the road, when truck came near the auto suddenly auto driver turned the auto and auto rolled in between of the road, the driver was injured badly but I was safe. Thank God I was safe )
There is also possibility in future that he might suffer with heart problem. If he care from now it be avoided.
He is down to earth
His Saturn mount is week
After 30 years of his age his luck will favor him.
Every morning he should pour water to sun.
He should use a crow poster.
He should not wear green clothes white cloths are suitable for him.
He should worship with white flower.
If possible he should wear a silver bracelet.
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